Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter to all

Regardless of your religious bent, I would implore everyone to take a few moments and ponder this question.  How would the world differ if people stopped using religion as a justification for doing the most inhumane things to other people? 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 8

Day 8 was yesterday.  My weight has plateaued but my body fat % keeps going down.  I can certainly see changes in both my posture and my muscle mass, especially in my legs.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

DAY 1 in the books

Okay, Day 1 of P90X is in the books.  I am doing the Lean Program.  I must say that I am a wussy.  The exercise they were doing (all core work) were, for the most part, exercises that I have done either during athletics or in the military.  However, I don't recall them being so hard.  Must be due to the Monster Truck sized spare tire around my middle.