Friday, February 25, 2011

I am gonna go out on a limb here but..... probably is not a good idea to cuss at your sentencing judge.  Outcome, remaining sentence revoked.  I should go into the prognostication business.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time for a change?

I admit that every couple of years I get into this rut where I consider doing something else.  Usually, this impulse corresponds with a confluence of exceptionally needy clients and soul wrenching cases.

In the spirit of my biennial dilemma, I figured I would brainstorm my options.

male prostitute......while tempting, I have to think that middle aged, balding, overweight ex-attorneys are in much demand for that line of work

poker that one seems to always come up after a winning session at the local attorney home game.  Lets see, Thursday we played.  I bought in for $20 and left with about $70.  Using simple math it would seem that I can triple my money rather quickly.  However, the reality of the situation is that while I win far more often than I lose in the local home game, my experience at the casinos is far less rewarding. I believe that with some minor tweaks in my game, like eliminating that pesky tendency to have one disastrous hand per session, I could make a go of this.  Of course, my wife would kindly disagree.

more to come as I have to take the baby to the bathroom.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I should have my head examined!

I bleed orange and blue.  I watch 100 or so games a year.  I am in serious need of an intervention.  For you see, I am a NY Mets fan.  What a depressing team to root for.......well, at least I am not a Pirates fan.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First time for everything

I was sitting in Juvenile and Domestic Relations General District Court this morning minding my own business when hell froze over and I wasn't alone.  Attorneys throughout the courtroom were stunned.

Just when you think you have seen it all (and if you want to see the worst of society spend a morning in juvenile court) you get surprised.  What could surprise such a jaded soul? 

Well, I watched a mother ask the court to reduce the amount of child support the father of the child was paying.  That, in and of itself, would be strange enough but then things went all Twilight Zone.  The father then asked the court to increase his child support obligation.  The only sound you could hear was when the jaws of the half dozen attorneys in the gallery hitting the floor.

Will wonders never cease?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the things you see in court

Young lady going into Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court wearing skin tight black stretch pants, obviously lacking in undergarments, and a tube top.  She could have at least worn pasties.  I am fairly certain she has to wear them for work.  And could you at least take out the piercings from your nipples??  Did I mention the temperature didn't reach 40 here today?  My God woman!!

In a stunning turn of events, she didn't get custody of the kids.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RIP Justice Hassell

Last night a true legal scholar passed away.  Justice Hassell went to God way too young.  Virginia lost a special jurist today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Same ole stuff, different day

So, I ran between three different courts in three different jurisdictions today.  What I found funny was that I was told, at least a half dozen times, SOSDD.  It seems that Tuesday, February 8, 2011 was just one of those days.

Oh yeah, I also received a talking to by a local judge for not discussing the case with my client prior to the hearing.  I guess I should have spent more time with her.  Nevermind that I sat through three in office meetings with this client (approx. 4 hours total), read multiple letters she and her boyfriend wrote, spoke to her at least twice on the phone, showed up 45 minutes prior to the hearing to calm her down, and then wrote down exactly what was going to happen for her.  She still reared like a wild mustang in a thunderstorm at the preliminary hearing.  Oh well, SOSDD. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Post game

Well.  Good thing I don't gamble for a living.  Props to the Packers.  Boos to the refs.  Halftime show was crappy. 


Game time is about 20 minutes away.  Steelers coming down the tunnel have a look of utmost confidence and a very calm demeanor.  My prediction 27-17 Pitt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Title is a bit misleading

Technically speaking I am the only attorney working in my office but I sure as hell don't work alone.

I was talking to a couple other solo attorneys the other day.  We were discussing law office management and I let it slip that my wife is the office manager.  You would have thought that I told them I was D.B. Cooper.

Why is it such a big deal that I can work well with my wife?  Just because I fire her about 5 times a week and she slaps me straight a couple dozen times a day does not mean that we cannot have a successful working relationship.  I must admit I entered into this arrangement with some trepidation but things have worked out very well.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The beginning

Well, after reading a few other law blogs, I decided to give it a shot.  That is not to imply that I thought that it was going to be easy to either 1. find the time to post on a relatively routine basis or  2. come up with insights or posts that would be interesting or relevant.  I simply decided to give it a go. 

My vision for this blog is.......well, a work in progress.  I really don't know what in the world I am going to do.  I do know that I intend to err on the side of caution when discussing cases and situations.  I would love to sit down with you over a beer and tell you all the crazy things that happens in the day to day operations of a law practice but I am very concerned about protecting client confidences.  I suppose as I become more adept or comfortable with this process I may be willing to provide more detail but for the time being it will be fairly vanilla.  Of course, as a currently overweight person, middle aged and balding man, I have to say that there isn't anything wrong with vanilla.

I hope you enjoy.